Ever since I was a little girl she has made numerous gifts for me as well as her children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, friends, sister, and I am sure many others. Although now I am older and realize how many hours she must have put into all of her creations, as I child she made it seem so effortless. She made me think that I could do it too. Although I am not nearly accomplished in what I can create, grandma taught me the joy of creating for others.
Red geraniums welcome our arrival, golden blossoms flowing along the landscape, purple lilacs dancing in the breeze, pink petunias flowing like waterfalls, forget-me-nots peeking through the cracks of the stepping stones, lupin reaching for the sky, delphinium displaying their bright blue blooms, rose buds anticipating their aroma filling the air of my grandma's back yard. As a little girl, I was blessed to have grandma include me in the process of nurturing her garden. She had us help her plant seeds and water the plants in the green house. She taught us many of the names of the flowers that she had in her yard. Now that I have my own children, it is important to me to share with them this process of growth. The needed time to nurture something in order to appreciate the result.
Now that grandma is 90, she continues to create stockings for her great-grandchildren, plant seeds in her green house, host more than 20 people at her home for holidays....need I say more? She is a gifted and determined woman to have accomplished all that she has. Thank you Grandma for being an inspiration to create and nurture. We love you.